Long time, no blog post. This slack-off is partly because I was working on finding publishers for (and editing) two new books. And it was partly because I’ve been trying to clear the clutter of my life so that I can move to a retirement community and have a few relaxed years before kicking the bucket. I’m afraid the clutter clearing isn’t going as well or as quickly as I had hoped.

Garage mess

Luckily, my gandson, Blake, has helped me clear and has prodded me to dump stuff during his two visits to Charleston this past year. One was over his college Christmas holiday vacation and the other during spring break. We cleared a lot of stuff and tossed and organized. But there’s still a lot left to do. So he will be arriving in Charleston again in about a week, shortly before he returns to college this fall. Hopefully, we can finish the major clearing tasks.

More mess



Blake was here in Charleston for three weeks the first time. For the first two weeks or so, we accomplished a lot. Then we had the BIG SNOW storm (certainly big for Charleston). It snowed for nearly two days, and there was more snow on the ground than I had ever seen in nearly fifty years living in this city. So our clearing efforts were somewhat hampered during his last week here.

Still, we did manage to bag up a lot of trash, mostly mementos and papers, old magazines and rough drafts of papers. And we took some books to the library.

Some bagged trash.


Altogether, we discarded three big bins of recycled paper and two trash-cans of unwanted or unusable stuff. But then came the snow. So we had to modify our plans. In many ways, we were both just as happy about not having to keep on clearing out the garage. The snow was amazing


The snow came down in globs!


So the garage-clearing saga was to be continued during Blake’s spring break! He was happy to come to Charleston in the spring. And I was happy to have his help again. And, of course, I paid him well for his efforts. A college student can always use some extra cash!

The eerie stillness of the neighborhood.







To be continued…